Why Sidelion?
Convenience meets Simplicity.
Our notebooks offer a way to prepare lesson plans, plays or game notes on a for-keeps copy while transferring your notes to a take-with-you copy. When ready, just rip the spare out; the other copy will remain in the notebook. An easy way to trash or pass off the lesson plan, without loosing your reference.
Use your original, without using the original.
"A good coach should always revisit any lesson plan. Within mind to always tweak in an effort to improve their efficiency."
3 Reasons to Try our Notebooks
Carry Less, Coach More
With our tearable copy sheets, keep your hardcopy off the field with a discrete, lightweight practice or game plan is in your pocket. Balls and training cones can get heavy, your lesson plan shouldn't be extra weight.
Reference + Refresh
Reference your old practice or game plans without reusing them. In an effort to keep improving, we encourage tweaking practice plans. Great use to make notes and improve your approach the next round.
No need to keep checking your phone; yet alone let any parents or staff assume you're on your phone in lieu of coaching – we don't have time for assumptions. Besides, keep your phone battery for other things.
Est. 2024
Our blank slate starts here. As a former coach, we know firsthand some of the less-convenient struggles that coaches don't have to deal with, but do. Realizing the slight inconvenience of his notebook at practice, overtime became an expected problem. His wife purchased notebook after notebook as she found some on the market, hoping they would solve his problem –– nevertheless, each had a flaw of some sort.
SideLion Co was created in an effort to creative the ideal notebook – created by a former coach, tested by active coaches - for all coaches.